Fresh Start in the New Year
It’s time to welcome a New Year and if you are looking for ideas to do something new in 2020, here is a short list to get you started:
New Look – One of the easier solutions to try something new is to change up your personal style. Add some fun color to your hair or give a new haircut a try. You can also shake things up by trying different types of clothing and/or accessories and see if anything sticks.
Update Your Home – Sprucing up your environment can be another great way to refresh after the New Year. Add some photos, change out some of your decorations, or even add a garden when the weather permits.
Travel – Carve out some time over the next year to go on some adventures and take in some new sights in the New Year. It can be close to home, such as a day trip to local attraction you’ve been meaning to visit or spend a week as far away as you can get, but just go out there and explore. Make sure to take a lot of photos! You might even consider starting a scrapbook to commemorate your travels.
Hobbies – There are hobbies out there for everyone, and why not take the opportunity in the New Year to discover a new one. Start by deciding what sounds like fun – crafting, collecting, cooking, writing, music, sports etc… Once you have determined your path, look for a class, a group, or even online tutorials to help you get started.
Availability – Take the New Year and evaluate your schedule. Are you busy all the time or always staying in? This would be a great time to make some adjustments to either make more room for yourself/family or get out there and explore the world and meet new people. Add some yesses, no’s or why not’s to your days and see if it has a positive impact.
Starting the New Year gives us a chance to have re-invent ourselves, even just a little and to do those things we’ve always wanted to do. Here’s to wishing you and yours a very happy and successful New year!